HomeHoroscopeYour May 2024 Horoscope by Elle Decor Italia

Your May 2024 Horoscope by Elle Decor Italia


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Adverbs of time.

Every astrological moment has its own adverb, describing the atmosphere in which we float and in which we’re also the protagonists, more or less aware. Your horoscope for the month of May, then, starts vigorously with the entrance of Mars into Aries, accompanying the path of Venus into Taurus. They are positions of pure instinct, natural and therefore bestial, powerful and thunderously erotic, sensual, genuine and simple. With this, the planets of Eros, Mars and Venus take to pre-mercurial places, where knowledge is neither logic nor reason, but a direct consequence of instincts, senses and needs.

Apparently there isn’t a grain of sense in the planetary positions in May, where Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury also transit in between Taurus and Aries, and while Saturn and Neptune swim in the emotional ocean of Pisces. Dangerously, you might add, given the general instability that dominates the world. Or finally, given the immense and imperative need to restore the natural world with its space and dominion, to rediscover its lost and buried truths, to relive its spaces and breathe its oxygen, increasingly polluted by the games of a rationale that in experimentation loses its meaning more and more easily.

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Aries


Will and action run hand in hand along a road that finds no obstacles. The Mars conjunction launches you right into the heart of your own and others’ desires, with an energy and charisma that’s impossible to say no to. Many situations, relationships, and thoughts cease to be dull and stagnant in a flash, becoming exciting, vibrant and engaging. It dissolves that strange sense of caution in the face of the danger of too much, which has kept you at bay and stuck in the middle for too long. Now is the time for everything. And right away, ça va sans dire.


Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Taurus


Mercury sweeps away all Cartesian doubt. Your senses don’t deceive you, the numbers finally add up and no evil genius draws fictitious realities to mock you. Reality is just as it appears, as evident and clear as the chair in front of your desk, as the newly blooming daffodils in your garden, as the gentle hands of someone caressing your face. And in this peace of certainty of reason, you feel you can dream again. With your head resting on soft and solid thoughts, it will be a vivid imagination that will design and produce your tomorrow.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Gemini


You can accept being in the fog, but only on a temporary basis, with the art of putting on a good face. You adapt easily, reinvent your character, your days, your work, your vocabulary. You are so skillful that you almost don’t even know where your truth has gone, so quick to change shape, to melt into the red of a welcome cocktail. The risk of getting lost is there, but Mars’ sextiles come as sudden and important awakenings — heartfelt reactions that refuse the act and turn on beacons to cleave through the haze, to illuminate your essence.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Cancer


Keeping everyone together, right there in your favorite place full of memories, projects and scents, is not always easy. There are those who run away, for the sake of dynamism, for the charm of everything outside. There are those inside who harbor resentment for the inability to break out of your shell without breaking it. While Venus and Jupiter surround you with affection and territorial security, you might heed Mars, who in quadrature asks you to sprint — a lone sprint that detaches you from the group, the individual work that carries love in its breast pocket and is content to kiss its photograph.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Leo


It’s not the wall of others’ indecision that stops you. It’s not the attack on your comfort that makes you stagger. It’s not the demand to sacrifice everything that scares you. When the occasion arises, you discover that you have reserves of energy you’ve never explored, a long-term resilience you reluctantly relied on — autonomy of thought and action that requires no external confirmation. You pursue your goals without letting up for a moment, with the belief that you can do it, which is already a guarantee of success itself. Tiring, yes, but you have a host of professionals at your disposal, for body, mind and spirit.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Virgo


The May sky is full of confirmation. You’ll be fine. Recent tensions, which have demanded you to overdo it and surrounded you with unavoidable duties, tossing you back and forth like a leaf in the wind, are no longer. Now time is back in your hands, it feels more elastic, airy, malleable, so docile that you can take it and master it. It’s a broad time that invites you to a placid surrender, of back and mind; it’s a time of pleasant enjoyment, of grace, of love, in which your natural instinct for action sparks a dialogue on par with the dolce far niente.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Libra


Blessed are those who can truly love and loathe, without much fuss, without nuance, without uncertainty. You, even when angry, unleash endless goodness, pretend you don’t understand, can’t tell, considering the past, present and future reaction. Instead, when passion overwhelms you, you suddenly seek measure, check your posture, hold back in fear. The residue, of unexpressed good and evil, clogs your mind and liver, weighing you down. Mars inflames the pain of the unspoken, but it can be the release from one extreme to the other of excesses.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Scorpio


With maximum traction, all muscles — including the cardiac — are called to great effort, where unparalleled concentration is required. The edge of the breaking point is a chilling place, and it’s on those chills that you’ve always liked to dance, one step away from losing your balance in order to look across the abyss. Out of exhaustion or reasoning you might discover, between surprise and disappointment, that beyond the mysterious blackness is nothing but a soft green meadow; the same green meadow that at the mere sight of it unsettled you and which you made sure to abandon.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Sagittarius


You have your pockets full of projects, many brand new, many waiting for better times, all to be lived with the passion, enthusiasm and genuineness that set you apart. Already forgotten is the sorrow for those you’ve had to suspend or abandon. Faced with the immensity of the landscapes that await you, with still blurred contours, the days are a blank sheet to be filled with colors. And today you want them bright, warm, powerful as the spring you feel blossoming inside, which may confuse you, but never stop you.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Capricorn


The list of the idle, the unaware, the soft and the sleepy is getting longer and longer. When you appear, instead of getting a move on, they relax, slow down, look around without accomplishing anything. They know you will cover their gaps, do their part, hardly ask for help. The quadrature of Mars helps you to interrupt the flow of silent sacrifice at any cost, turning the instinct for action into a predisposition to wait, instilling in you the doubt that something and someone pleasant is waiting around the corner from your habits.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Aquarius


You stir, you agitate, you create havoc. Those who try to fit you into a pattern have no understanding of you. Those who ask you to betray an ideal will see you flying far away like an eagle. Those who take away space and time from your mission will have to reckon with your determination. While the world is stuck in its dull past, a transformation has already begun in you looking for a whole new future. Cities, jobs, relationships, friendship groups, lifestyles — the push for change is so strong that you’re just waiting to experience it fully.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

Your May 2024 Horoscope: Pisces


You feel like taking stock, putting your thoughts, words and emotions in order. You feel like building a new space and leaving behind that strange idea of you as an uncertain and inconclusive person. Now you know how to think and experience situations that fully understand you, you dive into waters deep enough to explore the mystery of existence and clear and swimmable enough to feel safe. There will be no shortage of those who, mesmerized by your siren song, will eagerly want to swim alongside you.

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Illustrazioni di Carla Di Benedetto

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